I write on church culture, current events (through a biblical lens) and personal spiritual growth. Although, sometimes I throw a wild card in and write about anything that might tickle your fancy which I call "Gravy for the Soul".
My goal is to love you through my words, by being transparent and giving you a different perspective on issues. In this I hope that you grow in your love for God and are able to build community with others. If you want to challenge your faith, laugh a little, and learn to love then this blog is for you.
I normally post three to five times a week (Monday-Friday). If you don't want to miss a post, subscribe via RSS or email (you will receive a weekly digest on Saturday with all the posts from the week).
My Top Posts
Are you new to Christian Gravy? Let me get you caught up with some of the best gravy.
Church Culture
- The Perfect Pew
- Church Attention Quiz
- Nine Reasons to Leave a Church Service
- Seven People to Avoid at Church
- Sunday Trendiest
- Church Volunteering Problem Solving
- Gay Rights...Maybe We All Have It Wrong
- A Changed Perspective on Homosexuality
- Defriended by a Democrat
- Strength to Stand
- Severe Weather Alert: Hurricane Chloe
- Expect an Unexpected Monday
- Vomit Inducing Words
- The Wet Butt of Shame
- Fifty Shades of Christian Gravy
- A True Cinderella Story
- Religious Get Well Vasectomy Cards
My Biography
I am a United Methodist preacher's kid. This alone gives me unique insight into the church. I grew up not only in the church, but knowing where the spare key was. Since kindergarten, I could conduct a church service by myself with my eyes closed, ear plugs in, and with my left hand. I have always loved the church and was never forced to attend.
In high school, God did something amazing. He pursued me in such a way that I fell in love with him and his word. I never looked back and at the age of 17, I answered a call to ministry.
I graduated with a BS in Elementary Education and I have a Masters in Administration. I currently teach fourth grade with my wife at a local elementary school, where my two blonde headed daughters attend (ages 6 and 4).
I have over seven years of youth ministry experience and have completed over half of my Masters of Divinity. I have traveled and spoken throughout Kentucky for different events and church services. I have been on a team that launched a second campus for our local church. Lastly, I was mentored by Clayton King in his first Coaching Network.
I have also written an ebook-Underage Faith. A book to teens about living out their faith by telling them how I did it.
My Contact Information
Thank you for reading and remember to pass the gravy!