December 28, 2011

Revisit: A Magical Bathroom

A Magical Bathroom was one of my top hit posts of 2011. 

Have you ever experienced an event that changed your entire outlook on life?

An event that will live on for infamy?

Something that happened to you when you were in fourth grade, but would one day effect your children's lives?

Unfortunately, I have had that experience. It was the San Fransisco Incident of 1991. I will spare you the disgusting details of that dreadful day, but let's just say that after a traumatic public bathroom experience, I was forever changed. Since that day, I have avoided any skin hitting a public toilet seat at all costs. This quirk has caused me to sacrifice time, energy, money, and even friendships.

Once it even cost me my integrity. As a high school student we attended Crossroads Church Camp. I premeditated sin by bringing blank paper, a sharpie, and tape in order to post "Out of Order" signs on a bathroom stall. The lie partially caused me to break the ninth commandment, but it ensured a pristine toilet seat, so I reasoned that God and Moses might let it slide. Although the awesome Gardener Webb University janitorial staff made sure the toilet wasn't broken and took my signs down, that didn't stop me. I was a young man on a mission.

However, it hasn't all been bad.  I like to think that this quirk has even saved innocent lives. Once after having cheap Japanese food 35 miles away from my house (lesson learned), I went out on a spiritual journey to find a clean toilet at the Greenwood Mall. After all, John Wesley once said, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." That's good Mr. Wesley, that should have been in the Bible. God showed me fruit that day with the help of the Holy Spirit and I discovered a clean stall in Dillard's. After whipping the toilet seat down three times and placing toilet paper on the seat, I sat down to do my business. When I looked up, I found a pistol hanging on the bathroom door.   I, of course, alerted the Security Guards and therefore, clearly saved the day.

It's hard to believe this summer marked the 20th Anniversary of the San Fransisco Incident of 1991. You can send me a card later, even though I'm pretty sure there isn't one for such an occasion. For 20 years that infamous day has screwed me up. However, it was also this summer that I found hope, but it wasn't until last week that I recognized it.

Look at that picture. That's a bathroom at Walt Disney World at 11:00 at night. It was closing time and that bathroom had seen an unbelievable amount of traffic. But it was clean! Surprisingly enough, every bathroom at Disney is clean. I dropped a turkey leg on the floor and thought about picking it up and finishing it off (that's not would never take a turkey leg in the bathroom with you). Even though it's so clean they still offer you a toilet seat cover (which I gladly accept with a smile and a thank you). That has me thinking...Disney's bathrooms are cleaner than mine at my home, should I be offering toilet seat covers?

Do you know why the bathrooms at Disney are always so clean?

It's quite simple. They intentionally clean them! All the time! Almost every time you go to the bathroom, someone is in there cleaning! I wanted to hug the man every time I saw him; but trust me, after the first time you learn that it's a little awkward. How cruel is life that a man can hug a 5'9" female mouse wearing a dress and a bow, but you can't hug the guy cleaning the toilets?

Christian, please get this. One of the busiest places in the world takes the time to keep their dirtiest places clean. Why? Because Disney understands that your park experience encompasses everything in your visit...including your visit to the restrooms. If Disney is willing to keep the most dishonorable places clean to ensure a magical visit, why aren't you?

Take a look at your life.

What are you most embarrassed by?

What do you want to hide more than anything?

What's your secret that you don't want anyone to know about?

People may or may not be able to see it, but Christ who lives in you does.

With Jesus' help you need to clean up that dishonorable place in your life and intentionally keep it clean. You need to visit it every single day, probably even multiple times. Why? Because your relationship with Christ encompasses everything in your life. Trust me, Christ cares because just like a clean bathroom is important to you, that messed up part of your life is important to him.

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