I have the perfect New Year's resolution for you. Actually, I don't because I think resolutions are a waste of time. Did you know that 99 out of 100 people never actually follow through with their resolution past January 13th (that statistic I made up). Seriously, how many have you kept?
It's better to set goals. By definition a resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do
something” (Oxford American Dictionary). On the other hand, a goal is
“the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.”
In whatever walk of life, we should always look to the end result
before starting a venture. Goals should be measurable and have a deadline. I will be posting some of my goals later this week.
However, I wanted to give you a great goal for 2012. You're going to love it because it will not take that much time and success is within your grasps. After all, isn't that what we all want? Don't start off with a lofty goal, start off with something small--something that you can look in the mirror and raise your hands and yell, "I did it!" Let's lower the bar for a moment.
Your first goal for 2012 should be to read Christian Gravy. Okay, so if you want a church answer I suppose I should say something like, "I want to get closer to Christ." Well, that shouldn't be a goal; that should be a way of life. So the egg is on your face Sunday school boy. Anyways, here are five reasons, why you should read my blog every day.
#5-Coming in 2012...the Christian Gravy app. Yes, there will be an app for that. No more logging on to the computer to check the blog. No more short, fat phalanges pressing the wrong button on your touch screen. It'll be a simple push and you're swimming in the gravy.
#4-The more you read and comment, the more I want to write. Let's face it, it's about the numbers because numbers mean people (thank you, Rick Warren). I'm not a junkie for big numbers on Google Analytics, but let me tell you the mojo gets going when that line graph goes up, up, and away.
#3-I'm excited about writing. John Acuff tells his readers to show your blog who's boss and take a break every now and then. I took over two weeks. The blog works for me, not me for it. During that time I realized something...I enjoy this. And I have a list full of blog ideas that you're going to love. So check back daily.
#2-Christian Gravy gives you something to talk about. Ever bumped into an acquaintance at Walmart that you know too well to ignore but not well enough to have their number? You say hi and exchanged pleasantries, then part ways. You both turn the corner for the next aisle and then you see them again. Crap, you were just grocery store figure-eighted. What do you do? Do you stop and say hi again? Do you give them the nod? You sweat it through and part ways. Then you turn the corner to pick up some whole bean coffee and who's there? That same person. Now it's awkward. You are doing a grocery store figure eight with this person. You really have nothing to say to them; otherwise, you would talk with them more often or you would have started shopping together. The mandatory hello is ending with the refusal to make eye contact. It's not until the fourth aisle that you two will laugh about it or skip to another section only to find them there a few awkward moments later. So, here's what I recommend. Exchange pleasantries on aisle one, give the awkward nod at aisle two, let aisle three be awkward and don't even give eye contact, but on aisle four start talking about this blog. They will thank you for it.
#1-I finally know who I am in my writing. I have a purpose for my writing. I know who my intended audience is. I am not writing this for the blue haired ladies in the church. Granny wouldn't like my blog (although I have two awesome grandmothers who do read my blog some). If you are so conservative that the word "sucks" (or crap) makes you uncomfortable (sorry, Mamaw), then this blog probably isn't for you. That is unless you want to bash me on the comment section, which if you do please feel comfortable and give us a name so we can thank you for it. Gravy is messy! I hate it when my daughters eat gravy because it gets everywhere. Give a five and a two year old gravy and it will become gravity defying gravy. Do you know who wasn't afraid to get a little messy? Jesus. Jesus came down to our filth and hung out with the people who the religious said were losers. He didn't mind getting messy. This is the reason I write: At Christian Gravy we are trying spread a challenging message of hope and love to people who are messy (that includes me). This includes humor. I found if I write a serious blog post, I get like five readers (thank you to the five), but you all blow it up if I write something humorous (I felt like someone just said, "You're not that funny!" Probably my wife).
That's just five reasons why you should make reading Christian Gravy a goal for 2012. Am I begging for your readership? Would I stoop that low? Could I be that pathetic? Yes, yes I just did. Read and pass the gravy boat to someone else.
What other goals are setting for 2012?
Feel free to comment.Yes go ahead and be that guy who comments on everything. Just please don't bust me for using the words "crap" and "sucks".
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