I wanted a chihuahua. Lacey wanted a maltipoo. So we compromised and chose the maltipoo. This shouldn't surprise you.
Imagine dropping off your boxer mix (a real man's dog) to a 6'4, 300 pound man. Better yet imagine you are me (5'10, 150 pounds man) dropping the dog off. The brother made up two Joel's. This dude could have fought Goliath pound for pound. (I really don't know what that means, I have never enjoyed boxing or fighting of any kind; even though I'm a yellow belt in karate, but that's another story).
Andre the Giant asked me, "So what kind of dog are you getting?"
I should have let Lacey answer. I should have remembered what James said, "Be quick to listen and slow to speak." But by default (it's difficult for me to be quiet), I'm the spokesperson for the family around new people. Lacey calls new people "strangers". I call them "future friends". With a nervous chuckle I said, "A maltipoo." I felt like a chick. I might as well have been wearing a fuchsia cashmere turtleneck. Stupid me for being comfortable talking with anyone. I'm pretty sure he wanted to laugh, but he was too kind.
I love dogs. Dogs of all sizes, but after a week I'm convinced that a small, hypoallergenic, non-shedding dog is the way to go. Big dogs are great, but lap dogs are even better. Who needs a big dog to prove their manhood? I don't need protection, after all I am a yellow belt in the martial arts form known as Karate. I just happen to have the impression that if you can't dress your dog, what's the point in having one....just kidding...kind of. Yes, she's wearing a scarf. If I ever get a boy maltipoo, it will be metro. Belle has been terrific the past week and it feels like she's been a part of the family forever. She is helping to heal my broken heart from Daisy (feels sleazy to dump one dog and go straight to another) and has helped to distract us from life blowing so much lately. She feels like an answer to prayer. Maybe we should have kept the name Angel.
Yes! She is a little angel!! Such a perfect little pooch with a great personality!
I absolutely ADORE dogs! Doctors, psychologists, and sociologists have discovered that dogs, our most faithful pets, not only guard our home (yes, even the tiniest k9) and make great companions, but also improve the physical and emotional well-being of their owners. A dog is a wonderful cure for stress, loneliness, and lack of exercise (all of which can lead to actual illness). In my opinion this is true ONLY if you and your family have spent time researching the breed that would best fit into your home. Otherwise, you will have had ADDED stress, guilt, and aggravation!! I know from making that very mistake myself.
Tinker Bell is such a sweet little pup! She clearly loves her new family. I love how she would be running all over the room from one happy kid to the next, then spot you and run over and sit at your feet, intent on your every move. I am so happy for you guys!
Thanks MJ! You wouldn't happen to be a dog lover would you? You should have a television show on local cable.
Haha! ;)
Dear Joel,
I am so sorry it has taken us so long for us to tell you about how Daisy has integrated into our family. Our youngest, who met you when Jamie picked up Daisy, had two surgeries after that, and then I had one to remove a mass from my lung, so we've had a busy year.
Daisy is a joy! She has such a loving personality, and is as I write, curled up against my side. She is lying on my current baby blanket project, but that is okay, it all comes out in the wash. I wish I could send you a video of Daisy and Dixie racing down the yard, shoulder to shoulder, or a picture of them curled up on each other. They had a few spats in the beginning, but are now so close that I can ask Daisy to go get Dixie, and she does. She is so sweet, and so smart. You did a wonderful job raising her, and we all love her so much.
Her favorite spot in the house is the back of our couch, she sits there and watches the cars go by, and alerts us if there are people approaching the house. The only one of us that she still is a little nervous of is Jamie. You can see the love in her face for him, but she will only let him touch her, she won't let him hold her. She loves to play with him though.
She has been a true joy, and we all love her very much. If you look at my facebook page (Gaynell Williamson) you will see an adorable picture of our two youngest boys and both dogs. Thank you so much for sharing her with us!
God bless,
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