Everyone hates DST. It's coming tonight whether you like it or not.
Pastors loathe it.
People dread it's initial effects.
DST is not a sexually transmitted disease, but daylight savings time. For the Brit, it's lovingly known as "Summer Time". Those Brits can spin anything to make anything sound better...I mean, lovely. They make us sound like cavemen. No one wants to lose an hour of sleep. Seriously, you have to make that hour up sometime and everyone knows you can't go to bed early. That's why pastors loathe it more than the possible threat of inclement weather. For many they make up that hour at home during a church service. Talk about possible inclement weather--for pastors in Kentucky, tomorrow is the perfect storm. Not only will tomorrow mark the start of DST, but the SEC championship game is at 12:00. UK fans are nuts for their Cats, so they'll skip the early service for extra sleep and the second service for the ball game. It's a requirement if you're a citizen of Big Blue Nation. I'm not complaining because the "C-A-T-S, CATS, CATS, CATS!" cheer just wouldn't seem appropriate during a baptism. Although, baptism cheers would be sweet. Tell your pastor if they have a ringer of a sermon, they might want to wait until next week.
I have no proof, just theory, but I think that God loves DST. Here's a couple reasons why you should too:
1) Benjamin Franklin didn't blog, but he did write. On a visit to Paris, he wrote a satirical column about various was that the Parisians could save money on candles by waking up early. He actually used comedy that foretold about DST before it was ever created. God loves to use the foolish to shame the wise. Maybe one day I'll make fun of someone or something and it will affect billions of people in a positive way. Here's to dreaming.
2) A butterfly collector invented DST as we know it. An entomologist named George Vernon Hudson, invented it. Why? Because he didn't have enough daylight to collect bugs due to his "day job". Talk about a passion! He wrote a paper and actually convinced New Zealand to enforce the time change so that he would have more time to collect cockroaches. God has to love anyone who loves his creation that much. Thank you New Zealand, not only did you give us Lord of the Rings movies, but this too?
3) The word day is used nearly 2,000 times in the Bible. God loves day. Jesus was considered light and that clever booger of a devil is the dark. The first account in the entire Bible included the creation of day. When are his mercies new and when does joy come? That's right, in the morning. Joy doesn't come in the dark time because everyone is asleep or watching The Bachelor and American Idol. God loves daylight--it's scriptural.
4) God seems to be in favor of more daylight. When Joshua prayed for more time to fight, guess what happened? The sun stood still for almost an entire day so the Hebrews could kick some Gibeonite butt. God would cast his vote for DST. The Gibeonites? Not so much.
5) DST comes with controversy. This just proves that we argue about everything! Anti-DSTers can become just as passionate about their dislike of clock movement as George Vernon Hudson was his bugs. Some people just never want things to change.
Don't forget to spring forward an hour tonight!
Are you for DST or against it?
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