Christian Gravy is a year old today!
Get ready for some exclamations!!!
Thank you for reading the gravy!
Thank you for passing the gravy to other people!
Thank you for your encouragement and support whether you comment on the site, Facebook, Twitter, when we rub elbows in the hallway, or when we figure eight at Walmart! Thanks even more, if you mention it while we are in the bathroom and I can't look to see who's saying it!
Some bloggers say they would blog for only ten people.
And I'm sure they might and probably some do.
I happen not to be one of those guys.
Blogging is hard work.
It takes creativity to write consistently and quality (or in my case almost quality) posts. Have you ever heard of writer's block? That's a weekly occurrence for me. And it is frustrating!
I'm up at five every morning so I can drink some coffee, spend time in the word and prayer, and then to peck out a post before heading off to work. I know I don't have to get up that early, but it's just the best time for me and for the family.
I read an article that said out of 100 new bloggers 90 quit within the first six months. I don't know where they got their data, but they have their own website so it has to be true. I can believe it, because it's hard work.
But I continue to blog for (at least) these six reasons:
1) I love writing.
2) More and more people are reading. I blog for you. Over the last year, I have more readers than when I was blogging at People are reading from the east coast to the west coast and in between. No one reads from Alaska or Hawaii. Do they have the internet in Alaska and Hawaii? Someone call Al Gore. Most of my readers are family and friends, but people I will never know are quickly starting to outnumber people I do.
3) I want to help in your discipleship. Hopefully, you are growing in your faith. I know the writing helps me to grow in mine. If you aren't a Christian (and there are some regular readers who aren't), thank you for trusting me enough to join in the conversation.
4) Your laughter. I have a huge confession: I am a slut for laughter. If we had more laughter in this world, it would definitely be a better place. If we laughed more together with people who are like and unlike us, maybe we could talk more.
5) I'm passionate about Christ. I blog for God. That's not corny at all! Oh no...but it's true. The skies didn't open up and God spoke to me in a Don LaFontaine voice telling me to blog. That would have been much simpler and way cooler. No, I'm just passionate about Jesus and so I blog.
6) I'm passionate about the Church. The church is all I have ever known. I'm pretty sure my mom gave birth to me in the sanctuary or in the room where the choir keeps their robes (it always smells like a place where someone gave birth). I love to write about the Christian culture, both the beautiful and the ugly.
So thank you! Thank you for reading and sharing! And would someone please pass the gravy to someone in Alaska and Hawaii?
Any bloggers out their want to share their blog? Comment below if you do.
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