February 1, 2013


Christian Gravy has had more traffic than ever this January! In fact, the traffic this month has more than doubled my previous highest month ever!

Do you know how much fun that makes blogging?

Just ask Lebron James if he would rather score 15 points or 30. Or ask Mumford and Sons if they would like five hit songs or ten. Would you rather one McDonald's McRib or two? You get the point...doubling can be a good thing.

More people are checking out the Gravy and then passing it on to others.

One friend graciously passed the Gravy all the way to Catalyst on Facebook.

Catalyst posted Christian Gravy as one of the five new blogs to follow on their Catablog. I have always dreamed of going to a Catalyst Conference, but to have a nobody like me recommended on their blog, well that's caused me to live in a state of disbelief. But then it has given me a belief that God can do anything. God is tired of hearing me say "Thank you!"

Many of the pastors I follow have been a part of Catalyst. I'm sure Andy Stanley and Perry Noble call each other every night and chat over my blogs like middle school girls! Probably not...but it's still exciting that the Catalyst Blog passed the Gravy on to others (of course, their shout out has generated a lot of traffic).

Even more humbling than that is a non-believer friend sent me an encouraging message to me to let me know that he reads the Gravy. Do you know what an honor that is? The majority of the time I'm writing to Christians, but to think a non-believer is listening in on the conversation blows my mind!

For the first time since the blog started, there is a lot of momentum. This scares the crap out of me, because I have no clue how to sustain that growth.

Have you ever been in a place where you didn't know if you could keep doing something?

You were waiting to screw it all up? It's exciting, but it's also terrifying.

However, that's where trusting God comes in. The Spirit guides us where we're suppose to go, if we will let him. For me maybe that's a popular blog that helps people or maybe it's not. Regardless of what happens, I want to thank you for reading and passing the Gravy in 2013! 

How are you having to trust God this year?

Here are the top five posts of January, just in case you missed one:

1) The Perfect Pew

2) Church Volunteering Problem Solving

3) I Don't Want to Be A Conservative Anymore

4) Church Attention Quiz

5) A Great Hat Idea

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