November 6, 2013

The Unfair, Unloving God

Sometimes I feel that God acts unfairly.

Would a loving God act unfairly? I wouldn't think so.

If God is just, then how could he act unfairly?

These thoughts struck me when I was reading about an encounter between King Ahaz and Isaiah.

The prophet Isaiah told King Ahaz that he could ask for any sign and God would give it to him. King Ahaz responded that he wouldn't put God to the test. He responded with the law; his was a Sunday school response. Jesus responded to Satan with these same words. However, Isaiah shames Ahaz for it!

This seems unfair to me.

How often in life have you been messed over? Perhaps you feel it was God's doing or something he could have prevented.

You did everything right. You said all the right Sunday school answers. You worshipped the right God.

But, yet, something went wrong.

However, King Ahaz was being hypocritical and had already placed his trust somewhere other than God. We want it black and white, but God sees the gray.

When we feel God is being unfair, we are being hypocritical.

We don't get to decide what is fair or unfair and assign it to God based on our feelings. We aren't God's judge.

God judges the heart.

God knows what we don't.

Also, we can't say God acted unfairly and then question his love for us. Especially, when the gospel is based on how Jesus unfairly took your sin because he loved you (get this: Jesus was Isaiah's sign to King Ahaz).

God determines what love is. Not us.

Having feelings isn't a sin.

God gave us feelings to better interpret this world.

But don't misinterpret your feelings for the truth.

How do you keep from misinterpreting your feelings for the truth?

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