October 14, 2014

Favorited By Queen Elsa

My girls have grown up with me blogging. 

About 99.97% of the time they could care less. That is unless I write something about them.

However, they did become extremely proud of me this summer when Elsa (that's right the Queen Elsa from Frozen) favorited one of my tweets on Twitter. They thought I was somebody special. They were so thrilled that they just couldn't let it go! (Get it? Let It Go was the hit song from the movie. That's why it's funny. If you don't think that's funny, you conceal, don't feel too much. Man, I'm on a roll!)

The tweet was about a post I had written for Carlos Whitaker's book (Be a Moment Maker). 

Carlos graciously sent me a signed copy for participating on the launch team. The moment maker himself is so into making moments that he baptized the book in glitter. Carlos Whitaker knows what glitter does to anyone including grown men. The glitter had me squealing like a middle school girl. What is it about glitter that makes every situation feel like a Pharrell Williams party?

His signed, glitter baptized book doesn't need to sit on my shelf. Moment Maker needs to be in your hands, because it has a great message. You need to read this! 

So I'm going to give my signed, glitter baptized copy away to the highest bidder...just kidding.

I'm going to draw a name out of a hat. 

How do you get your name in the hat?

All you have to do is be a subscriber to Christian Gravy.

If you already are, you're all kinds of awesome sauce and you don't need to do a thing.

If you aren't, don't sweat it. All you have to do is fill out the information on the right side of your screen labeled "Subscribe to the Gravy".

Subscribers receive a weekly email on Saturday morning of all the Christian Gravy for the week (and you become all kinds of awesome sauce too). The email service is through Mail Chimp and you will not get any junk mail or be placed on any kind of lists.

I'll draw a name from the hat Saturday morning and send an email to all my subscribers telling the winner. 

Hopefully, this is my last Frozen post. Especially, considering it's my third this year, but I make no promises. You can check out Two Sisters, One Hero, which was in my top three most read blogs. 

But seriously, isn't the movie Frozen stinking awesome?

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