March 13, 2015

Television, Gas, & a Shower

Have you ever watched television while pumping gas?

I have and it was great!

How long does it take to pump your tank full of gas?

Maybe five minutes.

During that five minutes, I watched four clips: a clip about hockey, a news clip, a weather forecast, and a comedy clip. I stood and I watched. This is a rather nice alternative, since they say playing with your phone can end up with you spontaneously catching on fire.

However, at about the comedy clip, I noticed something.

I noticed how distracted we are.

We can't even pump gas for five minutes without a distraction. The radio stations that fill the air at many gas stations aren't cutting it anymore. We need something visual also. I stood and watched a one minute hockey clip! For heaven's sake, I'm from the South, all I know about hockey is from Mighty Ducks (Flying V and Duck's stay together and stuff).

It's alarming how distracted we are. Not just while pumping gas, but in every aspect of our lives.

The Psalmist told us to "Be still and know that I am God," but we can't do that. We can't even stand by a car for five minutes and pump gas on a pretty day. We would rather catch on fire!

Do you think that God still speaks to us today? I mean on an individual level. Like, can God speak to you? And, does he do it on a regular basis?

I know he does.

Jesus said, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

The Great Shepherd speaks to my heart sometimes. (Probably more often than I realize.)

Most often times in the shower. Are things starting to get a little weird and personal?

I took time to ask myself why this is not long ago. The reason was revealed to me and it's really quite simple.

Taking a shower is the only time that I do not have a phone, a book, television, or a computer.

It's one of the only times I'm by myself. And, it's quiet enough to hear and I'm still enough to listen.

It's the only time that there isn't a distraction.

Are you able to hear God speak to you? Perhaps you are too distracted. Perhaps you need to take the Psalmist's advice and be still and know that I am God.

Create some margin in your life where you can do that.

What crazy distractions do you see in life?

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