September 2, 2015

My Wife's Deep, Dark Secret

My wife has a deep, dark secret.

When I was a kid, if I did what she does now, I would've been smacked upside the head and taken to the preacher. (Who just so happened to be my dad.)

Once when I was a kid, I accidentally ripped a page out of a Bible. I thought I was going to hell. It was torture. So I don't know how she plans to get away with this.

I still love my wife, despite what she has been hiding.

What is it?

No, it has nothing to do with Ashley Madison.

She "Bible Journals."

Do you know what Bible Journaling is?

At the beginning of the summer, she asked if I had ever heard of Bible Journaling. (Which I hadn't, because I'm a dude.) Then she asked if I knew what a Journaling Bible was. She said they're so popular that they were selling out. Not only had I heard of them, but I had one. Back in my youth ministry days, I bought one to write notes in the margin. That way I looked professional and legit. The kids would think I had things memorized.

I didn't use it anymore, so I told her she could have it. Heck, I love a Proverbs 31 gal, so it had me a little excited thinking she was "Bible Journaling."

Little did I know that "Bible Journaling" is nothing more than drawing in a Bible.

Wouldn't your grandmother's Southern Baptist preacher be rolling over in his grave?

Like, she draws pictures and words and stuff. She even paints in it and every now and then, she places a sticker, a sequin, or glue in it. Is that even allowed? And what the heck is washi tape?

To make matters worse, she let my two little girls draw in her Bible along with her!

These women call it "Bible Journaling" and there is a growing community of women doing it. But there is no journaling at all. Journaling is writing. This is Bible Crafting or Bible Doodling...

Seriously, I love it that my wife Bible Journals. Would I ever do it? No, because I'm not artsy (and like I said, I'm a dude). But there are women (and I suppose some men) who are making connections to God's word like never before.

Here are seven things to love about Bible Journaling:

1) Quality Over Quantity. It's really easy to say this isn't studying the Bible. Only small portions of the Bible are read at a time. However, I've seen my wife spend hours on a verse. Mediating on it. Listening to worship music and spending time with God. Sure you might read three chapters a day, but do you retain it all by the end of the day? She can tell me days after.

2) A Free Flowing Pen. When I mark in my Bible, for the most part, I make straight lines under words. Every now and again I'll write a note in the margin. However, it's amazing to watch her pen move in all different motions over the page. It's like watching worship. It reminds me that God doesn't work in straight lines. He bends the rules and works outside of our expectations. Look at the next gorgeous sunset.

3) Created in a Creative God's Image. God is creative and we were created in His image. Shouldn't we be able to approach studying and reading His word in a creative way?

4) Child-Like Faith. Do you ever read the Bible out of "duty and responsibility" instead of approaching it out of joy? I know I do. My wife does it to spend time in the Word and with God, because she finds joy in Bible Journaling. Think of a child drawing a picture for her father.

5) A Narrowed View. Start drawing in a Bible and I bet you'll find that there isn't enough room. That reminds me of how little I actually know of the Bible.

6) Coloring Outside the Lines Sure, at times some words in the Bible are colored over. Some people say it is "desecrating" the Word. But it reminds me of a lyric out of Rend Collective's new song The Artist. It says that God makes "All things bright and beautiful, wild and colorful." Moses broke the Ten relax, it's not a big deal if a little Crayola gets on a word or two.

7) It's Personal. Out of the heart the pencil flows. Anyone who Bible Journals is connecting to the text. God's word never comes back void. I trust that. But I also know that at times I've read an entire chapter and stopped only to realize I was thinking about something I had to do that day. Bible Journaling doesn't seem to allow for that as much. Someone is taking a verse and drawing what it means or says to them. It becomes personal. Too often, we approach the Word one-dimensionally, but this is engaging actively with it.

Maybe Bible Journaling isn't your thing. It's not mine. But you have to give it to these ladies (and maybe a few dudes) for finding creative ways to connect with God.

What do you think of Bible Journaling? If you do it, would you show us a picture?


Unknown said...

I LOVE bible journalin . I any find a way to post a picture or I would. Great blog!

-Lori Hicks

Unknown said...

I too love to Bible journal, great blog! Couldn't figure out how to post a photo.

Marie LeJeune said...

Bible journaling helps me meditate on Gods word and memorize scriptures. It shows my daughter how God speaks to me.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Bible journaling. Loved this post too. Well done. Shared it everywhere. I Bible Journal Digitally.

Unknown said...

Thanks Lori!

Unknown said...

Thanks Anne!

Unknown said...

That is awesome! I can see where it makes the verse stick. Your daughter will never forget it either. What a tangible example!

Unknown said...

Thanks! That's very encouraging!