December 8, 2011

Happy Friday Eve!

Happy Friday Eve!

Thursdays should never be called Thursdays.

Thursdays are Friday Eve.

Friday Eve evening might be one of the most exciting times of the week because of the anticipation for the weekend. And who doesn't love a good weekend? Well, I suppose anyone who has to work wouldn't. Sorry restaurant and retail workers (been there, done that). In that case, you might celebrate Monday Eve or another weekly holiday of your choosing.

It isn't that I hate my job or live for the weekend. Rather it's because I put everything I have into my work, which is exhausting and I need a day to recoup with my family on Saturday. Do you have that conglomeration of feelings on your walk to the car on Friday afternoon? Excitement, relief, but then questions of doubt. I often ask myself, "Did I do enough this week?" Friday afternoon can be an emotional roller coaster. So it's nice to be able to step away for a day.

From Friday afternoon to Sunday morning I do absolutely no stress inducing work. It's not that I'm taking a "Scriptural Sabbath". It's just that's how God wired us. He wired you so that you need to take time off every week. That's why Saturday for me is so important. It's the one day of the week that I can totally relax and recharge. For nearly 36 hours I focus solely on my three girls and myself. I like to wake up early to spend time in the word and prayer, go running, read a book, watch television (It's Me or the Dog...I mean, how does she do it?), fix my girls breakfast (or better yet, go to Cracker Barrel), watch a movie, take a nap, go out to eat, take another nap, paint a picture, find four leaf clovers, read my collection of rare poetry, write a get the idea.

That's why I love Friday Eve so much. Friday Eve is the countdown to Friday afternoon. Those 36 hours is how I recharge and am able to do what I do Sunday through Friday morning. Taking time off on Saturday makes me more productive throughout the week. It gives me the energy to better minister to my students at church on Sunday. Taking Saturday with my family makes me a better public school teacher Monday through Friday. Taking time off makes me a better husband and father. Taking time off makes me more aware of the Holy Spirit's work in my life.

You were created in the image of a god who took a day off to rest. I doubt he takes off Saturdays now. Although, I guess Saturday might be his day off, Jesus takes Monday, and the Holy Spirit Friday. I suppose two of the three could run the show four out of seven days. God created you with the need to rest. I realize some people have jobs that you have to work seven days a week. That's okay but that should be for only a season, but in your case you need to be intentional about resting some when you are at a home. Although, most people get at least one day off most weeks. Go ahead and try to take the day to recharge. Take one day off and see if it doesn't make your other six more productive, more creative, and more energetic.

Do you take a day totally off?

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