December 12, 2011

The Worst Part of Christmas

Christmas is awesome. I love it. I wish it were 364 days of the year...maybe not. But there is one thing that I hate about the holiday. I hate wrapping presents. I'm not skilled at wrapping. I would be better at joining Eminem for a Christmas carol rapping session about presents than actually wrapping them. The skill would never be on my resume.

I can't wrap a present to save my life and let's just be honest, gifts in bags are inferior to gifts that are wrapped. Do an experiment. Play the annoying Christmas game "Dirty Santa" and see when the bag gifts are selected. Or better yet, place a bagged gift next to a wrapped gift in front of a child and see which one they select first.  Children never lie (results may vary if the bag has a living creature inside of it). My point? A gift wrapped is much more exciting than a gift in a bag.

 My phalanges can't skillfully compute the tasks that my mind tells it to. Millions of electrical synapses are shot off from neurons in my brain, but something must be disconnected because my end product looks like a third grader did it. Wrapping presents is so frustrating for me that I normally end up putting the presents in a gift bag, having my wife do it for me, or even from time to time if the store provides the ministry (I mean service), I pay to have it done for me.

I'm so bad at wrapping presents that Lacey thinks I'm an ignoramus. She never asks me to wrap Christmas presents. When she wraps, I get the menial task of being her gopher. I clean up and get what she needs all while watching a Christmas movie. Presents to her, I still have to manage solo. I always try to wrap them just because I know it means a lot to her. In six years of marriage, I've learned to go big ticket item instead of a bunch of smaller things, just so I don't have to wrap so much (only joking...kind of).

It always starts out well. Meticulously, I cut the paper into the perfect square or rectangle depending on shape of the box. I have my tape in hand and begin. Four of the six faces of the geometrical shape I nail and feel pretty good about myself. Momentum is beginning to build...

That's when Satan steps in.

Satan is such a jerk. 

It has to be Satan because I can do a lot of things. My Bible tells me that I can "do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." Better yet, Jesus said that I could move mountains. But I can't wrap a Christmas present? Granted, I realize that Paul is referring to staying content in all situations and not wrapping Christmas presents. You see, it's the wrapping of the sides of the gift that is my thorn in my side. All the sudden I lose my mind. I begin to get careless with the scissors and tape. Paper flies furiously all around me. Sometimes the end product is so embarrassing that I get the joy of unwrapping the gift myself and starting the process all over again.

What's my spiritual point to this blog? There isn't one. I'm actually adding no spiritual references, even though I could think of thousands. It's Monday, so I thought you may need the smile. However, take note of these two things...Satan is a jerk and you can do all things through Christ.

If you pay for wrapping, do you get credit for the gift being more expensive?

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