February 20, 2012

I've Changed

I've changed. You've changed. We all change.

Something I'm constantly aware of is how quickly we all change. It isn't always noticeable. It isn't always intentionally. But EVERYONE changes...eventually.

This hit me two weeks ago. It was Rivalry Week on ESPN and the Duke vs UNC game was on. It was an unbelievable game! Duke came back in the last few minutes overcoming a double digit deficit. A freshmen shot a three pointer at the buzzard to win the game. It was un-freakin-believable!

Did you see it?

I didn't! I bet it was amazing!

I was too busy watching The Big Bang Theory with my awesome wife and a friend (who happens to be a UK fan) texted me to tell me the news. I punished myself with guilt at being a horrible fan. For goodness sake a UK fan had to tell me the exciting outcome. The thought lingered that I missed the game before that to read Steve Jobs' biography which seemed more exciting. All season I've watched one game. One game. The year before that I didn't even watch them lose against Arizona because I was too tired from preaching that night.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is I use to be a huge Duke fan, which sucks living in the state of Kentucky. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I can't help it, I was born that way. The Old Joel didn't miss Duke games. Definitely, not to watch a sitcom, because I was too tired, or to read...seriously, to read! What's wrong with me? Way too much estrogen in my hizzle.

I realize that I'm making about 85% of my readers uncomfortable right now (and not just for my usage of hizzle) because the majority of you are from Kentucky and North Carolina.

I've changed.

When I was in high school, I had a lover. We were young and stupid. She loved breaking hearts, getting drunk, and God all at the same time. Then my lover became way too political, so I left her. The break up was difficult, but necessary. My lover's name was country music. I loved country music. A few guys at school called me "Big Country", which is funny because right now I am 5'10 and 148 pounds, so imagine me before adding the Freshmen 15. The only thing "Big" about me was my love for country. I loved Garth Brooks. I loved the culture. For a little while I even watched PBR and wanted to ride a bull just one time. But after 9/11, the Dixie Chicks and Toby Keith began arguing and I felt like a child who's parents were going through a nasty divorce. Before you knew it, someone was always getting a boot shoved up something.

So I walked away from country and began shopping at the "Singer Songwriter" section of iTunes. I even enjoy a little hip hop (hence the previous usage of hizzle). Big Country would really like to get a hold of the New Joel and shove a boot up something. However, New Joel has a little size advantage, even though Big Country wasn't surrounded by estrogen. It's a toss up!

What's my point?

I've changed.

Last week was a special occasion for Lacey and me. It marked our 14th anniversary of our very first date. What's special about 14 years? We've been together for half of our lives now. (Don't worry, she knew about my other lover and even took me to a Garth concert.) Fourteen years ago we went to a friend's birthday party (Amber Toms, who happens to be follower of this blog) and we began our relationship. I've noticed that in that time, she's changed.

We all change! Everyone changes!

Your best friend is going to change. Lacey is my best friend and she's changed. Other guys who I was close to in the past, I hardly ever talk to anymore. We didn't have a major falling out, but our circumstances changed or even who we were changed enough where we aren't close any longer. And that's okay.

Your spouse is going to change. I love Lacey more and more. The reason my love for her keeps evolving is because she keeps changing. I'm going to go out on a limb here. The reason why the divorce rate is so high (especially among Christians) is because spouses change. Of course, it isn't one spouse that changes but both. The problem is that the change causes them to grow apart instead of closer together.

Christian, two things give me comfort in all this:

First, while I'm constantly changing, God and Jesus never do! God wants you to know this "For I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6). Jesus wants you to know that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). God and Jesus never change. They are always the same. Jesus will never stop loving you. He will never lose interest in you. If you've been hurt by a close friend or a spouse, Jesus is a friend that will not hurt you...ever. He will never regret dying on the cross for you. He never changes!

Second, change is the most scriptural thing we can do in our lives. Paul tells us to be "transformed" by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). If you look up the word "transform" in a solid Webster, do you know how it's defined? Transforming is undergoing "a thorough or dramatic change in...character." Christian, you are called to dramatically change who you are to become more and more like Christ.

Christian, you should constantly be changing because you believe in a never changing God.

How are you changing? Or how have you changed?


Anonymous said...

Man I love this. Not enough to divorce and take Pee Wees advice " HA HA why don't you marry it HA HA". The fact that you stated. "we all change" and the other eternal truth "God never changes" I find comfort in that a great deal. Why? Well if we stay in Gods word, and we're in a world that is always changing His word doesn't. Which means if Heidi my wife changes Gods word in not so many words tells me to love Her. Even if she changes her views, changes habits whatever I love her. Even if she started dancing with garden gnomes and trying to ride the concrete yard frog to work. Strange but I would love her. What I am getting at is no matter what change we face Gods word is the same love your neighbor as yourself, and love God with all you are. People will see that never changing love in us, and see a small reflection of Christ. And in that persons life that sees that unchanging love in all circumstances, questions will arise and Big things could begin to take place in that persons life. Maybe accept Christ, or a Christian seeing Gods Love played out like it's suppose to be take up his/her cross and begin to do the same! Awesome stuff. Awesome stuff!

Anonymous said...

I reread what I wrote. WOW my punctuation is horrible. Sorry. I'm changing. In the past year I have witnessed Christ at work in a huge genuine way. Enough that my spirit recognized what was going on "weird I know". That's the best I can describe it right now. Noticed enough that my spirit over rode "me" in my flesh sotospeak and got me to work. I noticed this at the church I started going to little over a year ago. The people's hearts were like none I've ever seen as a body not just one here and there. I talk to people about Christ I'm not afraid. I pray with people right on the spot them:. "will you pray for me?" Me: sure let's do it right now!" then they givE me the are you for real look. I want to help people get to know Christ and help people grow in Christ. This hasn't been a over night deal but a year long refining. And I can't wait to see what is on the horizon. What I stated is not self righteousness look at me. I'm just letting Gods people see through me here in this comment box. If you/we are genuine in our love for Christ and show it in a real practical way, what life could we help change by being obedient. I was once a pew sitter. Never prayed that much, never read Gods word that much, feed on Sunday starved until Sunday. To many people talk a big game about Gods love but do little to show it. My family and I are a example of what can and has been restored by people just being genuine in their love for Christ, not just lip service with it, but providing life service with it. Change is good. Believe it in my case I'm spirit was made alive again. Me being changed because Gods people showed and unchanging love that they understood because they had a relationship with a unchanging God. I'm still amazed by it, and from time to time I get choked up thinking how great my God is. Sorry for this book or misspellings and horrible punctuation. I just had to share. Much love people........."All for Chirst or nothing at All"

Unknown said...

If Heidi starts riding concrete yard frogs, let me know and we'll pray for her.

Our love for Christ and each other should always far exceed our love for ourselves. I love it that you said that they will "see a small reflection of Christ." That means that everyone should be able to see something in you that is never changing. Wow! We are agents of change and we get to reflect something that is constant.Great reply Pope.

Unknown said...

Pope get on your soap box anytime that you would like. It's been exciting to sit back and see firsthand these things take place in your life. I've spoken with Lacey on several occasions about the work Christ is doing in your family. I didn't know you a little over a year ago, but it's amazing to see how you're DRAMATICALLY CHANGING.