May 11, 2012

Gay Rights...Maybe We All Have It Wrong

A couple weeks ago, Dan Savage enraged Christians over the issue of homosexuality and thrilled all who oppose us. Thanks by the way Mr. Savage, for bullying Christians in the act. But I'm okay with it because I have my big boy panties on.

This week, North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being solely between a man and a woman. Most Christians (especially in the Red states) cheered and felt that there was still some hope in this whole democratic process thing.

Then, President Obama weighs in supporting gay rights and loses North Carolina's vote in the upcoming election (Mr. Mitt can thank him later). Many on the left or more liberal Christians applauded his "bravery" and felt as if the momentum swung back on their side.

But what about the church? Where should we stand?

It is impossible to deny what Scripture says about the controversial issue. It's wrong (if you disagree please keep reading). Please understand that I feel compelled to write this, otherwise I would stay away from the issue because all it does is unite and divide in negative ways. It separates us politically and spiritually.

Two things keep coming to my mind. Two things I can't shake. Two things that have huge implications for our church on how to deal with this issue:

1) Members of the gay community are the lepers of our church today.

A pastor told me that once and how true it is.

I have gay friends who will never enter the doors of a church, all because of how they perceive Christians (and in many cases rightfully so) because they know they will be hated. Don't pick on homosexuality just because it's an easy sin to target.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is one of the verses we like to quote about homosexuality because it clearly states that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. However, guess what? We all fall on that list somewhere...anyone who is sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, prostitutes, thieves, greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers will be excluded. It's heartbreaking how everyone else on that list is welcomed in most churches except the homosexual.

Do you know what Paul said about all those who are in Christ?

That they were washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Meaning...that if there can be a Christian who is also a drunk or a Christian who is greedy, there can be a Christian who is also gay. Because our behavior doesn't determine our salvation. 

2) Christ calls us to love others.

How tragic is it that our attitude and behavior is neglecting too many the opportunity to hear the gospel? There are millions of gay men and women who will wake up to find that their reality is an eternity in hell not because they are gay but because they never accepted Christ. What a shame if they never accepted Christ all because we were unwilling to love them! All because we were disobedient to Christ. I can't see that God is all too pleased with how many churches are dealing wrongly with this issue, because when it comes down to it, it's not an's people.

Would I have voted with the majority of North Carolina? Yes, I would have.

However Christian, we also need to realize the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. It wasn't that the men attempted to have homosexual relations with the angels, because the angels were already in town to lay the smack down on it. No, the angels were there because they were "arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me" (Ezekiel 16:49-50). They simply did not love or care for others, even though they were in a position to do so.

The best way to love the gay community is in a way that isn't arrogant or unconcerned with who they are. We don't love them by only pointing out their faults. We love them the same way we would love the sexually immoral or idolaters or adulterers or prostitutes or thieves or greedy or drunkards or slanderers or swindlers...the same exact way that we love one another. They aren't untouchable lepers, but valuable people who matter to Christ.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Joel. Truth stands on it's own merit. I was a pornography addict, a harsh father and husband I think gregg referred to me as a tyrant. I was in church. People who knew me prayed for me, and tried talking to me about my more open sin. And Christ was dealing with me in those areas even when I thought my sin was justified and right. In the end Gods grace prevailed. And his love shined forth. Church is for spiritually sick people and the church today is sort of like that hospital that let the woman die in the ER waiting room and stepped over her while she was dead. On the outside a place of help it was suppose to be, but on the inside the staffs lack of love, compassion, and help killed her. I think we are like that in a way. I pray for those in bondage and love those in sexual bondage and have a place in my heart for them because I remember where I came from and who pulled me out of that muck. Jesus Christ. And the love of some special Christians who were not afraid to roll their sleeves up and get their hands dirty. Joel you rock my man!!!

Anonymous said...

Let me add that the woman who died in the ER not only did they walk by her as she laid on the floor dead. They walked on by her as she was in the process of dying offering nothing to help.....

Anonymous said...

Could not have said it better!

Unknown said...

Thanks Kevin Pope for the transparency! Horrific illustration of how some churches are, but unfortunately you are right on. We miss it all the time! Let's do something to change that. Keep it up brother!