August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A, Chick-Fil-Gay, & Chick-Fil-Athiest

Who could have ever thought Chick-Fil-A could cause such a stir?

Seriously, is anyone else tired of all the commotion centered around all that chicken deliciousness?

There are three groups of Chick-Fil-A supporters. The Chick-Fil-A, the Chick-Fil-Gay, and the Chick-Fil-Athiest.

I am a Chick-Fil-A supporter. I love Chick-Fil-A. Have every since childhood, when they would hand out free samples on a toothpick at the mall in Owensboro, Kentucky. Walk by enough and you would have a meal; only don't look the workers in the eye (after your fifth trip, it is embarrassing). It's a good thing they never handed out waffle fries or I would have been much bolder vulturing around. Stealing free samples started off my love affair with getting free chicken, but that has matured into me dressing up like a cow. I love how Christians have rallied to show their support. I applaud them, but didn't go because I don't believe waiting in long lines for chicken.

The Chick-Fil-Gay supporters are people who support Chick-Fil-A and happen to support gay rights as well. But these are people who realize that boycotting Chick-Fil-A is stupid because their stomachs don't agree and because they are tolerant of other views.

The Chick-Fil-Athiest (my personal favorite) is a non-Christian who just happens to be ticked off that the restaurant is closed on Sunday. Why is it that we crave Chick-Fil-A most on Sundays?

The reaction from the crowd of unbelievers (and unfortunately some believers) doesn't bother or surprise me. In fact it excites me, since it was Jesus who promised persecution to those who believe in him. And Christian, I believe it's only going to get worse for us in America. But that's a good thing. Too many of us have a watered down faithless faith that cost us nothing. And guess how God matures your faith? Trials!  Persecution in the end will break us or strengthen us. If it breaks us, then our faith wasn't real anyways. If it strengthens us, then we get to do something that Jesus commanded his disciples and that he wasn't just carry your cross and follow after him daily.

It's time we either step up or we step down.

Does your faith cost you anything?

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