Did you hear that Iran is training 3,000 women to be ninja assassins?
Ninja assassins--how awesome is that!
Sure women are discriminated in many ways in Iran, but this has to be a moral booster. Seriously, if I could have any one job in the entire world, that's the one that I would choose! Civil engineer or ninja assassin? No brainer.
The Iranians are on to something. I should know because I was on track to be a ninja assassin myself.
It was my senior year at Western Kentucky University and I needed one credit hour to graduate with my Bachelors in Elementary Education. I should add that I didn't know about this new requirement until one week into the semester when practically every class was already full. After searching for a class with an opening left, I finally found one and guess what that one hour happened to be?
Mastering the course with an A, I was able to man handle some pretty amazing karate moves for my Sensei, who happened to be a black belt working a day job and teaching karate for college 100 level courses at night (don't worry, he wore a black gi so he was legit). The karate kick, karate chop, karate strike, karate block (throw karate in front of any word and it sounds awesome), Texas Ranger roundhouses, and kata all became second nature to this karate kid. I earned the almost unattainable yellow belt. Before you ask, I do not actually have the yellow belt on hand, it's more or less a metaphorical yellow belt--one that I wear proudly.
Something that really tripped me up in the dojo was having to grapple with girls. Unless it was the opportunity to put my future wife in the sleeper hold, it just made me feel uncomfortable to have to straddle a female on the ground or vice versa. After all, I had taken a vow of purity. Even more uncomfortable was the thought of one of them beating me, which I won't deny might have happened a time or two.
That's why I think the Iranians are on to something.
Create an unstoppable force of women ninja assassins that men are uncomfortable fighting. You win every time. Female ninja assassin verses a Navy Seal...it's a toss up. Not only that, but you become suspicious of every woman wearing a hijab in Iran. It kind of looks like every woman might be ninja. Talk about blending in.
So what do Christians and female ninja assassins from Iran have in common?
There is something that is really impressing about this situation. The Iranians are training these women to protect their country if the need ever arises. That's right, if the need for ninja assassins ever arises you better hope you don't find yourself in Iran. They are being proactive in preparing for something that may or may not ever happen.
Christian, are you prepared for events that haven't happened yet in your life? Are you preparing for the next crisis? For the next time everything falls apart? What happens when the enemy attacks you? Do you have an answer? Paul told his young karate student, Timothy, to be ready in and out of season whether you are expecting it or not. Are you spending time in the word and prayer? Living every moment that you can in step with Jesus?
The Iranians aren't taking any chances. Are you?
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