Have you heard all the ruckus about Jesus being married?
Well, I don't believe he was, but I do know that he had somewhat of a bromance going.
Jesus was closer to some disciples than others. I'm sure you knew that, it's what we call his inner circle. The inner circle was a small group of three men that got the opportunity to see some really cool stuff: Peter, James, and John. The other disciples probably felt left out at times, but that's okay because Jesus had something different to show these men. You might not like this very much, but it's in the Bible so you can't argue this point (and be correct).
It's within that small circle that Jesus had a bromantic relationship.
A bromance is not sexual at all. It is two guys who like to spend time together doing other testosterone driven things. It's having a best friend, it's just more fun to say bromance. I have had some bromances in my days. Some friendships with dudes that take precedence over other friendships.
I don't know at what point you call it a bromance, but somewhere along the line you find yourself watching a movie and in a scene something happens that makes you think about your guy friend. And then all the sudden you are like "Crap, I'm in a bromance." Or you find yourself playing golf, watching ball games, or engaging in other testosterone filled activities on a weekly basis with the same guy. Or texting stupid pictures to one another. You share inside jokes that only the two of you find hilarious while everyone else in the room thinks you're nuts. Your wives roll their eyes at you more than they do at your five year old. If you ask them what to wear or if you look okay...sorry, but you've found yourself in a full-fledged bromantic relationship.
Bromances are scriptural and nothing to be ashamed of. Jesus and John had a bromance going. In fact, the Apostle John said that he was the disciple whom Jesus loved. I bet the other disciples loved that. There was something about John that attracted Jesus to him. This didn't mean that he was the favorite or the most equipped for ministry. In fact, it was Peter who Jesus built his church on. Jesus knew better than letting a bromance alter his thinking on who should lead the bride.
Lately, I have been studying John's writings (John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation). Something caught my eye on why Jesus and John had a bromance going. John seems to have a character trait that too many of us miss. Especially me. It's for this reason that I believe that Jesus was attracted to John to such a degree that a bromance blossomed. It was because of his heart! John loved other people. Over 60 times in his five books he used the word love. As a Christian, we have one job and that's to love. John seemed to get this and I think that's why he and Jesus had a relationship that was different than the others.
Christian, the best thing for you to do is to love. Your job is to love. Love God and love others and everything else will fall into place. And men, if you find yourself in a bromance, it's okay--embrace it and enjoy it.
Who is your bromance?
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