I hate the Christian phrase, "Love the sinner, hate the sin." It's not the idea behind the saying that bothers me, but how we use it. Often it comes across as plain self-righteous. But watching the election results unfold last night, it became clear that Christians need to do a little more "loving the politician, but hating the politics".
After this election, one thing is still certain (besides the whole death and taxes thing) that God is neither Democrat or Republican.
He isn't even Independent.
In fact, God isn't American.
He couldn't even run for office if he wanted to. Technically, I suppose that isn't entirely true because after all he is God and he could change the law, but you know what I mean.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that God isn't even for America.
That isn't to say he
hasn't blessed us or that his hand hasn't or won't continue to be with
us. But rather that America isn't God's country. God is
for the Christians who are in America. His favor on us in turn often
blesses the rest the of the nation. But America in itself doesn't have God's seal.
It's amazing how we rejoice or pout after the election.
Many people attribute Obama's re-election as an answer to prayer. So does that mean that the Democrats prayed harder than everyone else? After all, there are Christian political parties with Pentecostals in them and I'm sure that they beat everyone. So we are all lucky that a snake handler isn't running our country.
Scripture will confirm that it was God's will, but not because the Democrats out-prayed the Republicans. If that is the case, way to go Republicans for out-praying the Democrats when it comes to the House races. There isn't a news program in heaven tracking the "electoral prayers".
On the flip side, many Republicans say hateful and hurtful things about Obama and the people who voted for him. Some even say they are moving out of the USA. Be careful! God might call you to be a foreign missionary and then you can learn how oppressed some people really are. But God just so you know, I'm not complaining. But I can give you a list of people who are, so send them.
Christians need to "love the politician, but hate the politics".
This goes for the pouting Romney camp and the gloating Obama team. I'm about 90% sure that after the election is all said and done, most of our emotions doesn't come out of political understanding, but out of being right or wrong.
So before you start casting blame for all our problems, realize that you are part of that problem too. Don't say, "I didn't vote for that guy" or "I didn't vote for the House." You really aren't a political revolutionist. You engaged in a process that did elect them, so in a way you supported them all through the process. It's not like you declared war to keep them from going into office.
The dust will settle and life will resume back to normal for four years until we get to this all over again (aren't you glad you didn't move).
Christian, our calling in this is first and foremost to remember that we are first Christians and then Americans. We are called to love all our elected officials and to commit to praying for them. No they aren't perfect, but they help to establish order and the life that you comfortably live in America. So remember, "love the politician, hate the politics".
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