Man confession: I have no interest in Pinterest.
Every dude (with a man card) who just read that stuck out their chests and grunted.
But there's one question that begs to be answered. If we have not interests in Pinterest, why is it effecting our lives so much?
My wife has a new catch phrase. Actually, most women have the same one. Your mother-in-law might even have it. It goes like this, "On Pinterest..." Not much of a catch phrase, but it starts nearly 66.6% of all their conversations.
What's a shame, is right now my phone is sitting in a bowl playing Yo-Yo Ma. Why? Because I happen to be going through a Yo-Yo Ma phase. He plays a stellar cello. Why is my phone in a bowl? Because "On Pinterest..." my wife found that you could make a speaker that sounds just as good as a store bought one. And the Pinterest was right!
Two of my friends were having a conversation on Facebook last night. She was asking if she had seen "on Pinterest" where you could use a marker to decorate a ceramic mug or plate and then put it in the oven. She was questioning if it worked. The bad part about it was I knew the answer. I started to reply, but I have already had my man card revoked nearly seven times, so I refrained. But no it doesn't work. Even if you hand wash it, it will begin to fade.
I have no interest in Pinterest, but it is coming close to overtaking my life.
My wife will get a look in her eye and then will tell me that she has to go to Walmart. When I ask what she needs, her reply is, "Oh something I saw on Pinterest." She wanted to make a cornucopia using a size 12 boot, wax paper, green pipe cleaners, a water filter, a Joel Osteen book, season eight of MacGyver, and duck tape. It was amazing how all that stuff came together as a cornucopia. Now I'm ready for Thanksgiving! What I'm most thankful for this year is that we don't live close to a Hobby Lobby and that it's closed on Sunday.
Even though I have no interest, there really is some neat stuff on Pinterest. My wife is creative and talented enough to make what she sees. Me? Not so much. Any artwork that I try to do ends up with it crumpled on the floor and me crying in fetal position next to it.
What makes Pinterest so irresistible to all is the fact that they are able to get ideas and create things. When my wife first got on Pinterest, it was sensory overload. She didn't know where to start. She wanted to do it all, which would take like a billion lifetimes or three Lifetime movies (same difference). But then one day, she just started with one thing.
Christian, it's no different in learning to follow after Jesus. It can be daunting; especially, if you are a new, a returning, or if you are a Christian who is finally getting serious about your faith. Don't let following after Christ be sensory overload. Start with a few things and build on to it, because you will never be able to perfect it all.
Perfection in your Christian walk is unattainable, just like it's impossible to do every pin on Pinterest. And that's okay! Just remember that you have the Helper (the Holy Spirit) inside of you to guide you along your way. He will show you what you need to do and when to do it.
What about that Pinterest? Any dudes man enough admit to being on it? Peaking over your wife's shoulder any?
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