November 1, 2012

NoSHAVEmber Day 1

Here is an archived favorite from last year.

For four years, a buddy and I have participated in NoShavember.

Many men participate in NoShavember for many different reasons. Some join in for fun, others for 
camaraderie, some for protection against the elements, while a few do it out of laziness. I've done it for every reason except for the last two, because I like a clean shave. But this year I'm doing it for another reason altogether.

I'm doing it to raise awareness of a serious medical issue-Male Pattern Facial Baldness (MPFB), commonly known as being a "Man-boy".  MPFB hasn't claimed the lives of any victims, but it has shattered the ego and pride of many a bald-faced men. Hair grows on my chin, a little on my neck, and I have somewhat of a poor excuse of a mustache. I hope that by participating in NoShavember people will see what a serious condition this is and will quit making fun of others who carry this genetic shortfall. Some say it has to do with a lack of testosterone, but I'm just going to go ahead and throw that theory out because that's hard to stomach.

The first time I ever grew facial hair, a fourth grade girl (who had a dude's name) pointed out that I looked like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I wanted to point out that she had a boy's name, but I resisted. No one wants to look like Shaggy, I don't even want to look like Fred because he wears a scarf, but I certainly don't want to look like Shaggy. I've always found Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang to be on the annoying side of the spectrum. I bet they were kicked out of Coolsville High.

I don't like to grow facial hair because it looks like I should end up as the feature story on the 10 o'clock News as either being involved in a meth bust or for being a sexual predator. Which isn't good when you work in public education and serve at your church. That's why I took a voluntary hiatus last year from NoShavember. Our church had just launched our Glasgow campus and I didn't want to make the students or parents leery.

My relationship status with facial hair would have to be "it's complicated." Not only do I look like a meth-using-Shaggy-who-can't-be-trusted-around-females, but facial hair causes my face to break out. Ironically, I can't grow a full beard, which makes me look like a man-boy, but when I attempt to grow facial hair it results in me looking like I'm going through puberty. Maybe puberty didn't work out for me the first time, so it's giving it a second go round. Looking like Shaggy you would think that ProActiv would offer me a commercial (if only I looked like Fred). Like I said, it's complicated.

So for the next 30 days I will be honoring the NoShavember. I am not totally committed to the cause and have never made it past day 21. A goatee doesn't go well with turkey for me at Thanksgiving. It always gets shaved before eating pumpkin pie with my family. They will all poke fun of my MPFB. Isn't that great? Genetically speaking, a couple of them are responsible for me not being able to grow facial hair, but somehow I'm the one made fun of due to a "lack of testosterone" which they supplied to me.

Men, who's in with me? Who wants to unite against MPFB? I can't promise that I won't abandon after tomorrow , but I'm going to give it a go anyways.
*I realize that this blog didn't have any spiritual insights (unless you or a loved one suffer from MPFB), but my goal was to make you laugh a little at my expense. Hopefully, you laugh at yourself and don't always take yourself so seriously.

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