November 29, 2012

Start Small

Does your life feel like it needs a jump-start?

There's no momentum.

You feel like you are stuck in one inch of snow in a two-wheel rear drive KIA Rio.

Yeah, I've been there both literally and figuratively.

It frustrating! But there is something that you can do. It doesn't seem like a spiritual answer, but at it's core it is.

It's not to get on your knees and pray about it until you have camel nub knees. You can do that, but none of your friends (Christian or secular) will want to go to the beach with you.

It isn't to read your Bible and trust in the promises of God more. That's great and by all means you should do that.

It isn't that you should start attending church more and be a part of a small group. But that probably wouldn't hurt either. Unless you mess up and end up in some kind of cult.

It's that you actually do something productive.

This is a demonstration of faith. David didn't get a mandate to kill Goliath. We aren't told of any angels coming to him in visions. He just knew he had to do something. So he became productive and demonstrated his faith with five small stones, a sling shot, and some trash talk.

One of the best things you can do to get the momentum back in your life is to set some small goals.

They don't have to be life changing. 

One of my small goals this year was to get braces. I have always wanted straight teeth and to relive my middle school days. So I started the process in January. The metal has been in my mouth now since May, as well as the embarrassing conversations that I have with much of the population under 18. I know I wouldn't have done it, if I didn't write down that goal.

Write them down. Keep them where you can see them. There's power in writing your goals down and keeping them in front of you. Something amazing will happen, if you this. Almost like magic, you'll achieve your goal and move on to the next one. The momentum will start coming back.

New Year's is right around the corner. Don't waste your time thinking up resolutions. Write down five small goals. When you mark those off your list, think of five more. A bunch of small achieved goals add up. One big unachieved resolution is one big fail.

What small goals would you like to achieve in the near future?

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