December 1, 2012

Biscuit & Gravy Saturday: 4 Funny Tweeters to Follow

It's been a while since there has been a Biscuit & Gravy Saturday posting. Just in case you forgot (I did), Biscuit & Gravy Saturdays are just some of my recommendations for things that I enjoy, make me feel pretty, or make life a little sweeter.

Here are four of the funniest Christians to follow on Twitter:

1) Church Curmudgeon (@ChrchCurmudgeon)- For anyone who grew up in church or is on staff at a church, his tweets will make you spit the communion juice right out of your mouth. He is hilarious!

2) Jon Acuff (@jonacuff)-The blogger of Stuff Christians Like. This guy is full of it...satire that is. He understands the Christian culture and sheds a lot of humorous insight on it.

3) Matthew Barnett (@MatthewBarnett)-Here is a dreamer. He knows how to throw down the church humor and inspiration. And he loves to get SEC football fans torn up. 

4) Donovan Kirkpatrick (@DonovanKirk)-Donovan tweets about everything. He's a Kentucky boy who's starred on Jay Leno, plays guitar and sings like an angel, he can freestyle rap, and he's always out looking for the perfect girl. We need more Donovan's in this world. Follow him, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Who would you recommend as humorous people to follow on Twitter?

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