December 3, 2012

You Aren't Special

Do you want to know a lie that too many Christians accept?

You aren't special.

I hate to say it, but I'm pretty holy. After all, I grew up in the church, my dad is a pastor, and I even managed to squeak out half of my Masters of Divinity before dropping out. Right now, I'm singing "Divinity School Drop Out" to that ditty found on Grease.

So I know how to put a tag on that lie to make it sound more holy and acceptable. 

I am not special, but he who is in me makes me special.

Did I just go all Yoda on you?

Are you ready for this?

Christian, you were special before Jesus came into your life.

That means that unbelievers are special too just the way they are!

I don't mean that you are special as in a way that Lennie was in Of Mice and Men. Or as in you are a really good person the way you are and heaven will be lucky to have you.

But that in our cleanest and most filthy states, we are still special. Even if you aren't a Jesus follower, you are still special.


Because Jesus taught this.

Jesus was teaching one day and he gave the crowd two scenarios found in Luke 15. Imagine someone has 100 sheep and they lose one sheep. Wouldn't they leave the 99 to find that one? And when they found it they will put it on their shoulders and rejoice. And then call their homies to celebrate.

And imagine a woman has 10 silver coins and loses one. Isn't she going to do all she can to find it. And when she finds it, she calls all her friends to celebrate. Because let's be honest, you girls call each other over EVERY STINKING LITTLE THING. She will be like, "I found my lost coin and I cleaned my house. That's multitasking! Now I'm talking to you and I'm on Pinterest at the same time!"

After each of the stories, Jesus tells how heaven rejoices over one sinner repenting.

That's why you have always been special. Because Jesus has always counted you as special and worth leaving 99 behind just to get you.

Why? Because just like that lost silver coin and sheep, you are valuable.

Do you know what determines the value of something?

How much someone is willing to pay for it.

That's why when I see a "Star Wars Vintage Tri-Logo Yoda Figurine" on eBay auctioning for $2,000, I laugh because I wouldn't pay a dime for it. I have never cared for Star Wars, so I don't see the figure as valuable. However, some collector is crazy enough to think this toy is special and buy it.

Jesus found you valuable, because he thought you to be special. And he paid the price for you.

So don't believe the lie that you aren't special or that you are worthless. And don't try to be super holy like this prick and put the tag on it. Just accept it!

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