December 10, 2012

God Could Have Used Christian Mingle

Have you seen the Christian Mingle commercials?

Ever noticed how everyone on the commercials look like they should be on staff at church as either a worship or children's pastor? Those are typically the pretty people of the church.

How do the commercials make you feel?

To me they are a little cheesy.

"Find God's match for you."

Those clever boogers even sneak in a little scripture: "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."


Your business becomes legit with Scripture.

Christian Mingle should launch an ad campaign against

It could go something like this:

"Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife" or

"Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened ox with hatred." 

Or maybe go all Revelation on them: "Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols."

If you are anything like me, you get a little cynical towards websites like this.

But come on people it's almost 2013.

Back in 2000, I had a friend that met a lady online. He drove from Kentucky to South Carolina to meet her. We relentlessly ragged him for it. It didn't work out. But it turns out my hopeless romantic of a friend was a trail blazer.

Christian Mingle uses God and science to match people. A mixture that most of us are uncomfortable with. However, this was the formula for the first romantic relationship ever. God created Eve with science for Adam.

Maybe the Mingle is onto something. The people in the Bible could have made Christian Mingle a lot of money. Outside of Ruth and Boaz, almost every romantic relationship in the Bible is screwed up.

There are nine that come to mind:

1) Abraham and Sarah. They were brother and sister. Enough said.

2) Isaac and Rebekah. Poor Rebekah had to water his camels to get hitched (that is not innuendo). And they were cousins.

3) Jacob and the Sister, Sister Wives. Jacob married two of his first cousins who were sisters. TLC would love nothing more than to have gotten that television show.

4) Judah and Tamar. Still not sure what happened there (Genesis 38). I don't guess they "delighted themselves in the Lord."

5) Lot's Daughters. Don't even want to think about it.

6) David and Solomon. These two players would have blown up the website and had about five dates a night each.

7) Amnon and Tamar. Amnon was David's son who wasn't so good with ladies. But I suppose when the lady you love is your half sister...

8) Dinah and the Shechemites. This is one of the craziest stories in the Bible. A Shechemite fell in love with Dinah and raped her. And her brothers thought up some cruel punishment. They had the village to circumcise themselves. Then at the pinnacle of soreness, they came in and killed everyone.

9) Hosea and Gomer. Hosea was obedient, but God had him marry a prostitute.

Whoever said that the Bible is boring, clearly hasn't read it.

Who would you add to the people of the Bible who needed the Mingle?

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