December 5, 2012

U.S. Government Knows More Than Mayans?

Did you hear that the U.S. government released a blog post about the end of the world on 12-21-12? Check it out here.

According to the U.S. government, they know more than the Mayans. They all but guaranteed that the world will not end on 12-21-12 or any other day in 2012. They denied all the scary rumors.

My we are all doomed!

Our government struggles to get some of the easy things correct, much less predictions on the world ending.

Now Jesus is going to come back for sure, just so he can say "Bazinga!" Forget the "proverbial fiscal cliff", Jesus is going to push us off the "prophetic apocalyptic cliff". That's like 100 times more scary.

I have seen this movie before.

The movie was Deep Impact and the year was 1998.

It starred a young Elijah Wood before he saved Middle Earth and Morgan Freeman was the President. When a giant comet is on line to hit the earth, the government creates these huge "arks" to save humanity.

My guess is that somewhere near the Rocky Mountains, people with Mitt Romney money are buying lottery tickets to catch a ride. This might explain the sudden interest in Mars.

Okay, so I can't lie to you.

I really don't think that the world is going to end this month and I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't come back just to say "Bazinga!"

It's encouraging to know that our government has the answers though.

It's even more comforting to know that God has control of all things. He created the world, he sustains all things, and he decides the final outcome. Not the Mayans and not the U.S. government.

However, just for gags, if you like you can give me your prediction on the end of the world. Person closest to the right answer wins $100. Heck, let's make it a $1,000.

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