January 26, 2013

13 Ways to Dropkick the Sunday Hangover

Two weeks ago, you were introduced to the Sunday Hangover. It's a problem that has plagued believers and nonbelievers alike for centuries.

Relatively little is known of its secular origins, but much study has been conducted in the religious sphere. Anthropologist have ascertained that it originated with the post-Exodus Hebrews after Yahweh implemented the Sabbath. They begrudgingly called it "mochoratham" or loosely translated as the "Sabbath Hangover".

With time the Sabbath Hangover gave way to the Sunday Hangover for Christians.

You can beat the Sunday Hangover. You just have to be proactive rather than reactive.

Here are thirteen ways that you can do a Walker Texas Ranger roundhouse on the Sunday Hangover:

1) Prepare your coffee the night before.  This is the most tried and true way to beat the Sunday hangover-caffeine. True Christians drink coffee. It's in the Bible (somewhere in "He Brews" I think). Grind your beans. Give yourself a reason to look forward to waking up.

2) Keep your house straight. If your house is neat when you go to bed, you'll be happier to wake up.

3) Sleep with pajamas on. It used to be a daily struggle for me to get out of bed in the mornings. The reason? Do you want to be cold when you wake up in the morning? So now I sleep in pajamas. I'm not afraid of frost bite in the mornings and jumping back in bed isn't necessary.

4) Alarm hunting. My wife hates this one. Use your cell phone and place it in different places. This forces you get out of bed and then causes you to stop and think why you put it there.

5) God's mercies are new every Monday. Get up to read your Bible and pray. I've read the Bible at every time of the day, but the morning is the best time. Feel free to debate with me.

6) Crisp bacon. Fix yourself some bacon in the morning. There isn't a more heavenly smell (that might not be in heaven) than bacon. If bacon won't get you up, then nothing will.

7) Read the Gravy. Fresh Gravy is served almost every morning before 6:00 a.m. I almost guarantee fresh Gravy every Monday. Typically, Monday's a slow day for the blog, so I try to make posts humorous, inspirational, and/or short. Can you help a brother get his stats up?

8) Do not turn on Today! This one is huge for me. I love the Today Show! If I turn it on, I don't want to leave for work. That stinking Matt Lauer has voodoo over me. I hope to hang out with him one day. Today > GMA

9) Prepare your clothes Sunday evening. Go ahead and set your clothes out. Better yet wear what you wore to church on Sunday. Unless you are a pastor and in that case you are just being lazy. Wear something bright. Something with some swag.

10) Turn on the tunes. Find some upbeat music you like and listen to it. Maybe create a playlist titled, "Dropkick the Sunday Hangover". Make sure it's upbeat. If you find yourself crying to Taylor Swift's latest breakup song in bed, you have failed. 

11) Be an encourager. Let three people know you are thinking about them. This will get your mind off of the Sunday Hangover and you get to love on three people.

12) Do not engage in the eye roll. You know the Monday morning look that co-workers engage in with one another. Don't do it! Smile and be excited about being at work. Don't do the negative.

13) Go to bed early. Don't stay up so late on Sunday evening and then wake up wondering why you are tired.

Be proactive! Dropkick the Sunday Hangover in it's head before it gets in yours.

What are your suggestions on how to beat the Sunday Hangover?

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