September 20, 2013

My Last Post...

Mixed emotions are running wild inside of me as I write this. (Of course, it doesn't help that I'm listening to Boyce Avenue's cover of Katy Perry's Roar. To improve the readability of this post by about 100 times, you should listen to it in the background.)

This is my last post as a twentysomething.

So this is the last serving of Gravy that will be trendy and cool. Any attempt of trendiest in the future will end in a big bowl lame sauce. It'll be like those people who wear glasses as an accessory, not because they improve their sight. (And by God's grace, somehow, I'm exiting my 20's without ever owning a pair!)

On Monday, I turn 30.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it. You know how all the age milestones bring about bitter sweetness.

If I could do my twenties over again, there isn't much that I would do differently.

With that said, I'm tired. And I don't see that changing for a while.

But while I'm tired, I'm also excited.

Nearly thirty times the earth traveled around the sun before I began to experience the fullness of the freedom that comes in knowing Christ. For years, I struggled following God religiously. Doing the right things for the wrong reasons. In an attempt not to be the prodigal son, I was the eldest prick.

I am finally comfortable with being who I am (I just went Disney on you). Which is always changing because Jesus isn't finished with me.

Which I want to thank you for allowing me to grow into that. Some of you have been reading my writing for the past three years, I'm not the same person I was at 27. You have allowed me to be myself.

Also in those mixed emotions I'm scared.

The past ten years went by in a blink of an eye and the next ten will too.

The first five years of my twenties went the way I planned. God blew up the last five. I'm better for it, but I'm scared, because I have no clue where or what he's taking me to. That's the problem with narrow roads, you can't always see where you are going.

So while this is my last post as a twentysomething, I look forward to getting to know you at 30.

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