September 18, 2013

(Un)Healthy (Un)Balance

Rarely does one have every area of their life at a high point all at the same time.

Recently, a friend reminded me of this. Upon a little self-reflecting, he said how he felt spiritually at a higher level, but in regards to his family life he wasn't as high.

How true is that?

If one could put their life into four neat little categories (which one can't, nor should they try), then one could see how hard it is to create a healthy balance.

These four categories of life might include: spiritual, work, family, and personal.

By balance I don't mean equal.

Think about your foot. The pinky toe isn't equal to the big toe, but yet it finds its place in helping to center your gravity. And it also makes the coolest noises. Or some people's second toe is longer than their big toe, while other people's toes go down in a perfect slant. I've heard the first scenario makes you creative. (For some reason, God created me with one of each type of foot. Talk about freaky balance.)

All four areas don't deserve the same amount of time, energy, or worry. And at times, the amount of attention that one area needs might change.

Lately, work and family have been very demanding (a lot of highs and lows). This has resulted in my spiritual life being strengthen (this isn't always the case). However, my personal time (like when I blog) has been being dipped into, so it's at a low.

It's difficult to find the right balance. It's a struggle. When you do, it will not remain that way for long.

I wish I could give you a Sunday School answer on how to fix this. But there isn't one that you don't already know.

More or less, I want to encourage you. Do a little self-reflecting and see where you stand (or fall).

Do you have a healthy balance?

If you're struggling to find a healthy balance, you're not the only one. Just remember that your life is like a foot...better yet don't. The balance will come and it'll go with different seasons and that's okay.

What do you think? 

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