September 30, 2013

Why Christians Love Fall the Most

Christians love the fall.

Not "The Fall" as caused by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (that one stinks), but we love the season.

The fall of the leaf seems to be almost every Jesus-lovin'-Christian's favorite. (The fall of the leaf is what the season was once called before it was shorten to just fall. And who says you never learn anything by reading the Gravy?)

There isn't a group of people who love autumn more than the church. And that includes football fans. Okay, that might be stretching it, but a lot of football fans are Christians.

Here are five reasons why Christians love fall:

1) Fall's seasonable fashions. People normally wear their maiden voyage of fall clothing to church. Corduroy, scarfs, men in cardigans, flannel, and sweaters are broken out first to church. (Probably weeks before we should.) It only makes sense. When church-goers leave the house, it's cooler and they will be home in a couple of hours to change before they burn up. 

2) Return of fighting for your pew. You can always tell when the boats are winterized, vacations are over, and the kids are back in school. Church pews start filling up again. 

3) Camouflage doesn't hide Jesus' love. The fall brings hunting seasons and hunters love Jesus. Okay, so that might not be entirely accurate. But one thing in the South is for sure, if your butt is in a tree stand, it'll be in the pew later. Rednecks be loving them some Jesus.

4) Grade A preaching. Ever noticed how the preaching gets exponentially better around this time of year? It's a direct result of #2. Many preachers seem to get most excited about their messages in the fall and around Easter. Why? Because they know people are going to be there. Grade A preaching will be served.

5) Green grass leaves for freshness. Ironically, when everything green is dying, we like new beginnings. Think about all the excitement that comes with fall and fresh beginnings. There's football, a new school year, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks are brought back, outdoor fall decor, often new music comes out, excitement about major holidays, and the beginning of new television shows. People love the freshness of fall and it shows by an eagerness and excitement in the church.

What do you love most about fall?       

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