November 1, 2013

Deleting Facebook and Twitter

Last week, Lacey challenged me to delete Facebook and Twitter off of my phone.

She noticed that we spent a lot of time paying attention to everyone else’s lives and thoughts instead of our own.

Her points were compelling, but I wasn’t about to delete the apps without a triple dog dare.

Never take on a challenge, if a triple dog dare isn’t issued.

What’s the point?

Without the issue of a triple dog dare, the challenger is admitting a lack of dare importance.

She served the triple dog dare.

So I deleted them off of my phone and haven’t looked back.

The withdraws the first 48 hours were fierce.

I would grab my phone, swipe, and then look for my two friends.

But they were gone. I had betrayed them.

A cold sweat would break out on my forehead. The shakes would overcome my body. Cottonmouth filled my mouth. Tears would run profusely from my eyes. My central nervous system revolted.

Lacey deleted the apps as well. (But she checks her social media sites from time to time traveling though Safari. Cheater.)

However, I’m much more consumed with building a “platform”; whereas, she just wants to stalk people...I mean see what's going on.

Deleting the apps have been a very positive move for us.

We're more engaged with people.

I find that I rarely check my phone anymore, which is making me much more productive.

We're not as distracted.

Since deleting the apps, I’ve noticed how much more I’m looking up. And since looking up, I’ve noticed how many people are looking down.

You’re probably thinking, “Why are you going all Amish on us?”

Or “It’s fine for you to write about sin and controversial topics, but let’s not rock the boat too much.”

I’m not going to challenge you to do the same.

I’m going to triple dog dare you (just kidding, I wouldn’t do that).

I’m not even suggesting you do the same.

Rather, evaluate whether or not you can handle having instant access to your social media.

I have discovered that I have been irresponsible and have abused the luxury. Have you?

So for now, I only check my Facebook and Twitter on a computer.

How well do you handle having instant access to your social media?

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