December 19, 2013

The First Step is Always Back

Stress and disappointment have rooted themselves in our family the last few days.

My reaction to this stress and disappointment is showing me how unlike Christ I am. How much further I have to go. How fearful, faithless, and prideful I really am.

My first reaction to deal with stress and disappointment is to take a step in the wrong direction. I run. (Not like exercising that would be stupid.) But I run from God and shut everything out. Ignore the pain and it will go away is my mantra as I run.

I'm going to spare you the details of what's going on. Unless you really want to know in which case I'm going to spare you the gossip for your prayer group (just kidding). Honestly, I don't want this post to be so much about me as it is about you.

How familiar are you with softball? (Did that question come out of left field or what?)

I've played a little ball. One year on a church team in a secular league. Prior to this my experience playing baseball was one year of left field in tee ball. I've watched some games over the years, but my experience playing is limited at best.

My only year playing softball was an embarrassment.

We lost every single regular season game by double digits. The only game we won was the first game of the playoffs. (Which goes against everything that I know about angels and Tony Danza.)

Due to my lack of experience, the coach put me in the outfield. Which wasn't a good idea because in slow pitch softball most of the balls find their way there. The position was a struggle because I couldn't grasp one simple fundamental--the first step.

Whenever a ball is hit, the first step is always back. My first step was always forward and ended with the ball soaring over my head. It was a simple fundamental, but something I couldn't do. So the coach moved me to catcher where my damage was minimized.

Jeremiah and God were having a heart-to-heart one day. Jeremiah was either about to take a wrong step or he had seen it happen enough, so he prayed:

I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself,
that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.
Correct me, O Lord, but in justice;
not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing. 
(Jeremiah 10:23-24)

The reason my first step was always wrong in softball is the same as why my first step is always wrong when I'm faced with stress and disappointment. It's because I suck at choosing my own steps. I need his help.

Chances are you can relate.

Stress and disappointments often cause you to take a wrong step (or many). Instead, you need to pray for wisdom like Jeremiah did. Your first step should always be back towards God. Instead of stepping away from God, you need to step towards him. You need to learn how to properly deal with stress and disappointments by having a proper view of who God is. 

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