September 26, 2012

Dang If I Know

I like this shirt. It was in the window at Apricot Lane, but I didn't purchase it because it is a woman's shirt. That might be a surprise to some, not that it is a woman's shirt, but that I wouldn't be willing to wear the threads. But I have to draw the line somewhere and besides, it made my pecs appear ungodly big and I didn't want to cause the ladies to stumble lusting after me.

Let's get political, but not too political...rather, let's get introspective.

Why do you vote the way that you vote?

There is definitely a reason. By day I'm a fourth grade Social Studies teacher at an elementary school. These nine and ten year old kids reveal the reason why you vote the way you do. Anytime we discuss the upcoming presidential election these kids vehemently support a candidate. They don't discuss or understand most of the issues, but whoever mom and dad says is the right choice is the best candidate and everyone else is just plain stupid. More than likely, the reason you vote the way you do is because your parents screwed you up.

That's why I like this shirt. The decision hasn't been made based on how your parents messed you up. Decide for yourself who to vote for based on the Word with the Spirit's guiding. If you feel like "Dang If I Know" and are planning on mindlessly going to the polls, then don't vote. Christian, neither party is perfect, but you can vote with some intentionality displaying your faith.

How do you choose who to vote for?

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