Your What Ifs hold tremendous power over your life, if you don't know what to do with them. Hopefully, you are a the glass is always half full type of person. Typically, this is my disposition, which is annoying to the glass is always half empty people. If you are then your What Ifs aren't scary at all. You know what to do with them and you know not to worry about things that aren't going to happen and if they do it's not the end of the world.
But if your What Ifs tend to be negatively driven, they can absolutely stop you in your tracks. You lose momentum in life and everything seems to stand still while everyone else is moving forward. Instead of seeing things by the light, you are blind in the dark. I know because at times I feel that way. My wife and I call it falling into a funk.
When I fall into a funk, I live fearful of failure or I'm just unmotivated. King Solomon doesn't have anything on me and I start feeling like I should get the credit for writing Ecclesiastes. Somebody should have gotten that man some Cymbalta. By the way, you should always read Ecclesiastes with the voice of Eeyore in your head--just makes it more entertaining.
Are you in a funk?
Do you feel like you're at a stand still and everyone else is passing you by?
Are you fearful because of your financial situation?
Does your relationship with you parents create insecurities in your life?
How's your marriage?
How's your job going?
Are you thriving in school?
How's your job going?
Are you thriving in school?
If you aren't in a funk, wait long enough and you will find yourself smack dab in the middle of one. And falling into a funk sucks!
So what do you do?
You have to see your What Ifs in the correct light.
You have to see your What Ifs in the correct light.
Your What If only shouldn't have much power if you know who you are in Christ. And this goes for whether you are a dreamer or a Debbie Downer.
You see God isn't a What If God. God is a If Then God. IF He says it THEN it happens. He created the whole world with just a word. He is incapable of telling a lie, because IF he says it THEN it happens. Your words have power because you were created in the image of God. You don't think those negative feelings have any affect over your life? They do! They are cancerous because they have power! (Don't feel bad about it though.)
Christian, your What Ifs aren't bad in and of themselves (and they will always be around), but they help to create a life of worry and faithless existence. And you were created for so much more. You have to know what to do with your What If, if you are going live a life of faith, a life that God wants you to live. The first step is realizing that you serve an If Then God who loves you and wants good things for your life. The next time you have a negative What If, stop and think to yourself, "I serve an If Then God." Next, take a look at what scripture says about you. IF God said it about you THEN it is true. And do you know what scripture says about you? God said that we are more than conquerors. IF God said you are more than conquerors THEN you are, because Christ overcame the world so that we wouldn't have to.
What promises do your What Ifs need to hear?
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