November 27, 2012

Church Service: The Musical

The personal information I'm about to divulge is sensitive material.

But I'm a little excited about a certain movie coming out. There was connection made with the story when I was in high school. The musical pieces from Les Misérables were introduced to me. It was love at first sound. 

I haven't seen any rendition of the movie or play...yet. 

Let's clear things up.

You can't hate Anne Hathaway. She does brilliant work. But Anne, I swear (I'm sure she reads the Gravy), if you make me cry, my hatred will burn a hundred times hotter for you than it burns for that Matt Damon. 
My anticipation for the movie has been doused with some shame sauce. 

Because men aren't suppose to like musicals. 

We are forced to enjoy movies like Red Dawn, where things are blown up for no reason but straight awesomeness. I get that, I really do. Or movies where people get punched in the juggler. Or where girls' body parts are used instead of words.  

We aren't supposed to like people singing.

But let's be honest. What's cooler than someone breaking out in a random song? Did you even see Ferris Bueller? Probably not, since life moves pretty fast. You didn't stop and look around once in a while, you missed it.

However, Christians should love musicals. Since the church service is the closest experience to a true life musical that one will ever have.

Here are five reasons why:

1) People break out in random singing. Like in a musical, you know when everyone is about to break out in song. Seriously, people just get up and start singing the same song at the same time. Crazy!

2) Beautiful people lead the singing. Who's more beautiful than a worship pastor in the church? Male or female? No one. That's right, I have worship pastor envy. When a dude can pull off a v-neck, scarf, hair product, belt buckle with no belt, Toms, and a train conductor hat all in the same outfit, you're something special.

3) People are dancing. If you don't think this includes your church, you need a back seat. From that view, you'll see people swaying with hands raised. Enough people doing this and it looks like a musical meadow of majestic worship. If your church music sucks, your body dances all the more. Watch the people fidgeting, checking the time, or even smacking kids. It's like interpretive dance for bad music.

4) Men don't want to go. Only women are there. Why are more ladies than gentlemen always in musicals? Men, this is a shame! The women have us beat in musical and church attendance. Maybe it's because the church services are too much like musicals...someone call Barna to do some research. 

5) The plot. There's a plot in every story. The message provides us with this element. If the sermon is a fail, that's okay because the music can save the show. No one ever leaves reciting sermon lines. They leave humming or singing the music.

How has your church experience been similar to a musical?

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