December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas...See You Next Year

If you are reading this, the Mayans suck and don't know anything about predicting the end of the world. If not, well I suppose this blog will float into cyberspace forever.

A couple of things:

Thank you for reading the Gravy this year! For the life of me, I can't figure out why you would read it, but you do. People from coast to coast join the conversation every day and that blows my mind! Even more amazingly, people who live on the same street as me read it. So thank you!

You make writing something I look forward to every day! I don't take that lightly. I truly appreciate you and pray for you daily.

There won't be any new Gravy for a week, so that I can give my girls laser beam focus. Please be praying for them!

Also, if we have never met personally (or don't know each other well), nothing would be a better Christmas gift than for you to shoot me an e-mail and let me know a little about yourself. That so would not be a crappy Christian Christmas gift. Email me at

I look forward to it!

See you January 1, 2013!

Merry Christmas!

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