December 14, 2012

Pizza & Corn

I never blog about my day job as an elementary teacher. Or my night job as a trained ninja assassin for that matter. Or come to think about it, I never mention my weekend job of being a starting NFL quarterback. Yeah, I live an exciting life.

But the other day, I had one of those "God moments" at work.

Do you have these moments?

One of those moments where you encounter God in the ordinary.

He speaks to you through a situation or let's something play out and then smacks you with a revelation.

My daughter is in kindergarten.

Our lunches overlap and everyday I'm able give her a hug and ask her about her day. I'm not going to lie there is also the hidden bonus that I have reached celebrity status among her classmates and they all start yelling for me. Ellie must have told them about my pro-football career.

As I dropped my students off at the cafeteria, I noticed that she was sitting at a table with three boys.

If you know much about boys, it's that they smell like cabbage. They bite with what little teeth they have and that gets infected with some pretty gross puss. Haven't you seen Twilight?

She looked lonely sitting there with no girl company (after all ladies, you normally do everything together including going to the bathroom), so I decided that I would eat with her.

What was for lunch?

Nothing but the most famous school lunch.

Pizza and corn.

Don't try to understand why pizza and corn are served together at schools. It's an anomaly. It's more than that, it's up there with the mysteries of God.

While we were eating something dawn on me: how many of my students ask me to eat lunch with them everyday.

My answer is always the same. "I have a lot of work I need to do." I'm not a jerk. I love the little kids. They are so much fun, but the truth is that it's nice to have some adult conversation in the middle of the day.

It was then the God moment happened.

The reason that I sat with my daughter is simple.

It's because she is my daughter.

There was a lunchroom full of students who all would have been thrilled for me to sit with them. I have even walked by other girls suffering the same plight.

But what made my daughter different is the very fact that she is my daughter. She (and her sister) have a status that the other 600 students do not have.

It was at that moment that God revealed the lesson to me.

It didn't come in words.

I didn't do a Save By The Bell Zack Morris "time out", while Casting Crowns provided the soundtrack.

An angel didn't come with flowing hair and chiseled abs and give it to me.

I just understood.

God sees us the same way.

He cares about you, because you are his child.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:18).

That's what sets you apart from the rest of the world.

And because you are different, you get different privileges and promises that others who aren't his don't receive.

And why did he do this?

It's because, "he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will" (Ephesians 1:5). It's his will and his pleasure.

Don't forget that you have a special status with God today. You are his son or daughter. If you were sitting all by yourself in a crowded room, he would come and sit with you. He meets you where you are, because he loves you.

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