January 31, 2013

New Christian Gravy T-Shirts

Aren't those two the most beautiful girls you've ever seen? Is it because they look like their mom? Or is it their blue eyes from their daddy? Or could it be that awesome new Christian Gravy t-shirt?

Pass the Gravy Shirts
Did I just use my girls to create hype for a t-shirt? Yes, yes I did!

People have been asking for them for over a year. And they are finally here.

My awesome wife, who has a passion for creating t-shirts that you couldn't begin to fathom, surprised me the other day with them. Picasso had the canvas, she has the thread.

You can't stop the questions running through your mind right now.

Why did holy goose bumps cover my body like a Snuggie when I saw the shirt?

Is that the Holy Ghost telling me that my faith will never be complete until I have one? (It doubles over as a prayer shawl and they are great to wear while reading your Bible.)

Did heaven just open up before my eyes?

Can I count it off of my tithe?

Would that make my husband a sexy man of God? (Every worship pastor just said, "Amen.")

Other than Jesus, did I just discover the most uncrappy Christmas gift of all time?

Please, please calm down! I know you've waited your whole life for this, but you can wait until next week for the freshest way to pass the Gravy.

However, before you can buy it, you can win it! Stay tuned the next couple of days for the details. This is gonna be good!