Look closely at the bike. Notice what is missing?
The pedals.
The first bike ever didn't have pedals.
It was called the "Draisienne". It was like riding a scooter with two wheels. Isn't it funny how history repeats itself?
Now these are referred to as balance bikes.
My wife researched and bought one for our girls when it was time for them to learn how to ride a bike.
Learning to pedal a bike without pedaling? Someone was just Mr. Miyagied.
It helps to teach balancing and steering before adding the technical skills of pedaling and braking.
All four skills are crucial in riding a bicycle successfully. Unfortunately, we weren't disciplined enough in our teaching the girls how to ride, so it was only ridden a couple of times and ditched for training wheels.
This kid has it down though.
His father had a difficult time keeping up with his two-wheeling little man. At times the little dare devil would get too far away and his father's voice slowed him down.
More than likely, this little guy will be ready for pedals soon.
Sure there will be a learning curve.
Adding the new skills will cause him to slow down for a while, but it'll give him the potential to go faster.
Whenever it's time, his dad will know.
Just like when he started crawling. His dad was there. And when it was time for him to walk, his dad held onto both of his hands. Then once he mastered the walk and the run, he bought him a balance bike.
What a picture of how God deals with us! Like a father.
He starts off slowly and teaches us new things as we are ready for them. He knows we all learn at different speeds. He knows we all need different things. That's how spiritual transformation works.
It isn't a one size fits all program.
I hate this. If I do what someone else does, then I should get the same result as they got.
But it doesn't work that way.
Spiritual transformation is based on God's knowledge of you. The Father knows you and knows what you need. He knows when you are ready to handle a little more.
The boy was having fun riding his bike. But a lot of his happiness came from knowing that his dad was close.
Regardless of whether you are crawling or riding a bike, God's there walking near you. Knowing at all times what you need to be maturing in your faith.
How has God worked differently in your life than others around you?
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